Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Registration for 2010

Some of you have been asking when registration for 2010 will begin . . . keep an eye on our website ( in late September--details will be available then. Registration will officially begin in October. This year we will start day camp registration in October as well. We will also email the information to anyone who is on our email list. If you are not already receiving emails from Kanata and would like to, please go to our website and click the link to sign up for emails.

We also offer Mini Camps (weekend overnight camp) at various times between December and April. In May we will offer a Family Camp Weekend. Details for all these events will be on our website as they are available.

It has been a great summer at Camp Kanata! We hope you had a great one as well and we wish you the best for a great school year! Thank you so much for sharing your children with Camp Kanata--we look forward to seeing you again next summer, if not before!

1 comment:

Manoj Sharma said...

Thanks for providing the information about camp registration...
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